All Hands Hoy!

All you young Buccaneer’s swab your decks, raise your Jolly Roger’s, and sail ho on the mighty waters of Crooked lake!

On Saturday June 15th from 12-2pm we need all hands searching the lake for pirate candy, doubloons, pieces of eight and other assorted pirate treasures. The search will commence at high noon so weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!

No registration necessary. And while dressing up and decorating your boat for pirate day is part of the hilarity, we encourage everyone around the lake to join us for the fun on the high seas. Set sail and look for the pirate flags on the docks signaling treasures are buried there.  Times are posted on the event page.  Look for further instructions and updates closer to the event date on our website and Facebook page. 

To participate in passing out candy

If you've participated in the past and decorated with one of the pirate flags that the CLIA passed out, please re-use the flag again this year. If you need a free pirate flag from the CLIA, email Stephanie Gidley at or private message her on Facebook, to arrange a time Friday night or Saturday morning to pick up a flag from her cottage.

 Display your flag near the end of your dock on Saturday, June 15th from 12 - 2 PM so families will know where they can stop with their children. If we run out of flags, you can still participate by decorating the end of your dock with pirate colors (red, black, and white).  All families are invited to the “swimming area” at the end of the lake near the camp after the event to mingle and meet other families as well. 😊 

Jeff and Stephanie’s place is located mid-lake on the northern side. From the street the address is 1237 Crooked Lake Dr.

Shiver me timbers this is gonna be fun!